How to set Table Rates shipping option | Calcurates for Magento

Table Rates: configure own condition-based methods and rates or emulate carrier’s rates


Table Rates (they also call it Matrix Rates) is the most flexible and powerful shipping option type. It helps you to build a table of multiple methods and rates using a variety of conditions and calculation algorithms.

Table Rates consists of Methods which have a certain calculation algorithm depending on the level of application of the conditions — Entire Cart, Grouped Products, Product Segments or Individual Products. Inside Methods there are certain conditions with rates that are applied if those conditions are met.

Table Rates: Popular Scenarios

Check some popular scenarios perfectly solved with Table Rates:
  1. Set up own rates based on multiple conditions (countries, postcodes, weight, subtotal shipping types, categories, tags, metafields, vendors, collections, custom attributes and more).
  2. Set up Royal Mail, DPD rates or rates from the local carrier
  3. Set up own "per box" or "per pallet" rates
  4. Apply different methods and rates for different product groups
  5. Apply multiple calculation algorithms (fixed per order, per item, per unit of weight, percentage of order subtotal, per package).

Table Rates: Configuration Steps

Before you start: define which custom methods you'd like to display at checkout and which conditions affect shipping rates.

Step 1: Add Table Rates Shipping Option
Step 2: Add Table Rates Method(s)
Step 3: Add conditional Rates to Method(s)

After you finish: check methods and rates in the Activity Feed while testing.

Step 1: Add Table Rates Shipping Option

Start with adding a Table Rates Shipping Option from the "Shipping Options" section by clicking on "Add New Shipping Option".
On the new page click "Add New" next to "Table Rates":

Option's Basic Settings


  1. Name. Add a name for your Table Rates Shipping Option.
    1. Shopify. This name will NOT be displayed at checkout.
    2. Magento and WooCommerce. This name will be be displayed at checkout if "Set different display name" is disabled.
  2. Set different display name. You may use "Name" as an internal name, while set a different display name for checkout with this setting.
    1. Shopify. This name will NOT be displayed at checkout.
    2. Magento and WooCommerce. This name will be be displayed at checkout instead of "Name".
  3. Website. Pick the store's Website on which you want to display this Table Rates option.
  4. Served Origins. Select Origin(s) which are served by this Table Rates option. Learn more about Multi-Origin shipping rates.
  5. Store Views (n/a for Shopify and WooCommerce). Pick the Store Views on which you want to display this Table Rates option. Leave empty to display it on ALL Store Views.


  1. Image (n/a for Shopify). You may upload an image that will be displayed at checkout next to this shipping option.

Option's Advanced Settings

The "Advanced Settings" tab is available for Magento and WooCommerce and not available for Shopify.

Tax & Discounts

  1. Use discount inclusive price and subtotal for calculations (shipping costs and rules). If you condition your rates by subtotal or price, then with this setting you may define, whether Calcurates should consider discounts or not.
  2. Use tax inclusive price and subtotal for calculations (shipping costs and rules). If you condition your rates by subtotal or price, then with this setting you may define, whether Calcurates should consider taxes or not.

Sort Order

  1. Sort order. By default Calcurates sorts shipping options by rate value (from lower to higher). With this setting you may apply your custom sorting.

Step 2: Add Table Rates Method(s)

Once you create a Table Rates Shipping Option you will be redirected to the "Methods" section:

There are 2 ways to add your Methods and rates:
  1. Manually. Click on "Add New Method" to add your first Method.
  2. With CSV import.
Working with Table Rates CSV — useful tips:
  1. We still recommend adding first few rates manually > then do CSV export > edit CSV > export updated CSV. 
  2. If you want to update your existing shipping rates, then make sure you do not delete their condition IDs from the CSV.
  3. Add NEW rates with the empty condition ID values.

Method's Basic Settings


  1. Name. Add a name for your Table Rates Method. This name will be be displayed at checkout if "Set different display name" is disabled.
  2. Set different display name. This name will be be displayed at checkout instead of "Name". You may use "Name" as an internal name, while set a different display name for checkout with this setting.


Apply rate conditions to 
There are 4 options for applying your shipping rates to: 
  1. ENTIRE CART. Method's rates will be applied to the entire cart.
  2. GROUPED PRODUCTS. Method's rates will be applied to the groups of products.
  3. INDIVIDUAL PRODUCTS. Method's rates will be applied to the individual products.
  4. PRODUCT SEGMENTS. Method's rates will be applied to the Segments.
Custom Attribute for grouping
Applicable only for GROUPED PRODUCTS. Specify the product attribute or parameter based on which your products will be grouped. Popular examples: Category, Shipping Group, Shipping Class or Shipping Type, Shopify Tag, Shopify Collection, Shopify Metafields

Totalling Algorithm
Applicable or GROUPED PRODUCTS, INDIVIDUAL PRODUCTS and PRODUCT SEGMENTS. Define, how rates between different Groups, Individual Products or Segments should be calculated.
  1. CUMULATIVE. Rates between different Groups, Individual Products or Segments will be summed up together for the total shipping cost for the order.
  2. HIGHEST COST. Highest rate of the Groups, Individual Products or Segments in the order will be applied as a total shipping cost for the order.
  3. HIGHEST SINGLE COST. Highest rate of the Groups, Individual Products or Segments in the order will be applied for every Group, Individual Product or Segment and then summed up.
  4. LOWEST COST. Lowest rate of the Groups, Individual Products or Segments in the order will be applied as a total shipping cost for the order.
  5. LOWEST SINGLE COST. Lowest rate of the Groups, Individual Products or Segments in the order will be applied for every Group, Individual Product or Segment and then summed up.
Add min/max Rate
Limit your total shipping cost to a Min or Max rate
  1. Min rate. Will be applied if Method's total rate is less than 'Min Rate' value.
  2. Max rate. Will be applied if Method's total rate is more than 'Max Rate' value.
Apply Smart Packaging
Applicable only for ENTIRE CART. You may enable certain packages and then set rates per every package (see Smart Packaging).
  1. Enabled Packages. Make certain packages available for the Method.
  2. Method is available only if order fit selected packages. Make method available only if order fits selected packages.
Round Shipping Rate to Integer
If enabled the Rate will be rounded to integer after all rules are applied.

Get international duties & taxes
You may get and display duties & taxes for the Method. Complete International Shipping settings before enabling this feature.


  1. Image (n/a for Shopify). You may upload an image that will be displayed at checkout next to this shipping Method.

Method's Advanced Settings

Info Messages

Show Explanatory Tooltip / Method's Description to The Customers
Add text which you'd like to display as a description to your Shipping Method. Use the following variables to display info in the shipping method's description: delivery date from - {delivery_from}, delivery date to - {delivery_to}, min transit days qty - {min_transit_days}, max transit days qty - {max_transit_days}, international taxes & duties - {tax_amount}, packaging results - {packages}. Twig-template is supported.
  1. Magento. Check additional display settings in Magento admin (Calcurates extension settings)

Show Error Message when Shopping Option is unavailable (n/a for Shopify)
If conditions for the shipping Method are not met, you may display some restrictive message at checkout. If disabled Method is hidden with No Message.

Delivery Dates & Time info

  1. Select Delivery Dates. Add Estimated Delivery Dates for your Method. Choose from available Delivery Dates profiles.

Sort Order

  1. Sort order. By default Calcurates sorts shipping Methods by rate value (from lower to higher). With this setting you may apply your custom sorting.

Step 3: Add Rates to Method(s)

Once you create a Table Rates Shipping Method you may start adding conditional Rates:

Click on "Add New Rate" to add your first Rate.

Rate's Basic Settings


Select calculation. There are multiple calculation algorithms available.
You may choose one calculation or combine them together. Multiple calculations will be summed up.

  1. FPO: Fixed Per Order, Group, Segment or Individual Product (depending on Method's settings). Example: $2 FPO. Rate for the order = $2.
  2. FPI: Fixed Per Item. Example: $2 FPI. Rate for the order with 10 items in cart = $20
  3. FPUW: Fixed Per Unit of Weight. Example: $2 FPUW. Rate for the order with 10 items of product with weight 2 lb in cart = $40
  4. FPUD: Fixed per Unit of Distance. This calculation algorithm requires Google Distance Matrix API Key (check External APIs tab in Account & profile settings) Example: $0,5 FPUD. Rate for the order shipped at a distance of 100 km = $50
  5. POS: Percentage of Order Subtotal. Check Advanced settings to specify Tax and Discount inclusion (applicable for Magento and WooCommerce only). Example: 10% POS. Rate for the order with 10 items of product with price $20 = $20
  6. FPIA: Fixed per Item From the Attribute. The Value for the shipping rate per product item will be taken from the selected product attribute. The condition will be invalid if the attribute or its value is missing for any of grouped products.
  7. FPP: Fixed per Package. This calculation requires Smart Packaging enabled for shipping method or service.
  8. FPCI: Fixed per Custom Item. This calculation requires a Custom Calculation to be set.

Geo Conditions

You may apply geo condition for your Rate. We recommend using whether Shipping Areas or Other Geo Conditions, DO NOT use them together.
Use Shipping Areas if the same shipping rate is applied to multiple countries or postcodes. Unite those countries or postcodes within the same Area.
Use Country condition if rates vary from country to country.

  1. Served Shipping Areas. Select Shipping Areas, for which this rate is valid.
  2. Add Other Geo Conditions. Instead of Shipping Areas you may specify other geo conditions. 
    1. Country
    2. Region name
    3. City
    4. Postal Codes (range)
    5. Postal Codes (individual)
    6. Distance (range)

Cart Conditions

Depending on the Method settings you may apply Cart, Group, Segments or Individual Products Conditions for the Rate.
  1. Cart, Group, Segment or Individual Product Subtotal (range).
  2. Cart, Group, Segment or Individual Product Weight (range).
  3. Cart, Group, Segment or Individual Product Quantity (range).
  4. Cart Package Quantity (range) - applicable only for ENTIRE CART Method type.
  5. Custom Attribute. Restrict rate to a certain products by attribute or parameter. Popular examples: Category, Shipping Group, Shipping Class or Shipping Type, Shopify Tag, Shopify Collection, Shopify Metafield.
  6. Custom Item Quantity (range). This condition requires a Custom Calculation to be set.

Rates's Advanced Settings

Delivery Dates & Time info

Here you may override Rate's Delivery Dates set on the Method Level.
  1. Select Delivery Dates. Add Estimated Delivery Dates for your Method. Choose from available Delivery Dates profiles.

Additional Related Scenarios

  1. Add Shipping Areas to geo restrict future methods
  2. Apply additional Rules or Restrictions to your Table Rates methods
  3. Apply Volumetric Weight to Table Rates
  4. Apply Smart Packaging if you need rates per box or pallet
  5. Apply International Duties & Taxes to Table Rates methods
  6. Set and display Estimated Delivery Dates for Table Rates methods
  7. Apply Custom Calculation for Table Rates

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