How Smart Packaging works | Calcurates for Magento

Smart Packaging: get dimensional rates based on pre-packing the order

Video: How to Set Up Smart Packaging in Calcurates?


The idea behind Smart Packaging is to virtually pre-pack order items into available packages in optimal way and/or based on your custom Packaging Rules.
The result can be the one or multiple packages.
Note that some Carriers services (USPS and some of FedEx) do not support "Multi Package" shipping rates, they only return rates for a single package.
This approach helps to get the most precise rates from the carrier, because they are requested by packages weight and dimensions.

Smart Packaging: Popular Scenarios

Check some popular scenarios perfectly solved with Smart Packaging:
  1. Pack in the best way according to products' weight and dimensions (the default Smart Packaging algorithm)
  2. Use Packaging Rules for other packaging algorithms:
    1. Pack in the best way according to products' weight only
    2. Pack in the best way according to products' quantity
    3. Pack certain items individually into own package(s)
    4. Pack certain items into specific package(s) by Quantity

Smart Packaging: Configuration Steps

Before you start:
Product dimensions must be set in your Store admin (ignore this if your packaging is NOT based on product dimensions):
- Shopify: use decimal or integer metafields
- Magento: use decimal or integer product attributes
- WooCommerce: use decimal or integer product parameters

Step 1: Complete Smart Packaging mapping settings for product dimensions
Step 2: Add Packages
Step 3: Add Packaging Rules (optional)
Step 4: Enable certain Packages and Smart Packaging mode for the Shipping Option
Step 5: Display packaging results at checkout (optional)
Step 6: Display packaging results for the order in the store's admin

After you finish: Check packaging results and applied Packaging Rules in the Activity Feed while testing.

Step 1: Complete Smart Packaging mapping settings for product dimensions

Ignore this if your packaging is NOT based on product dimensions, but based on your Packaging Rules (packaging by weight or qty).
Navigate to the "Smart Packaging" section. By clicking the yellow "Settings" button above the grid you will get access to the Smart Packaging mapping settings per Website.
Make sure your Website is synced with Calcurates before you assign custom attributes to the method.
Shopify: use decimal or integer metafields
Magento: use decimal or integer product attributes
WooCommerce: use decimal or integer product parameters
Complete mapping settings for each Website.

Step 2: Add Packages

Click the "Add Custom Package" in the "Smart Packaging" section to add your first package.


  1. Name. Add package name. Can be displayed at checkout or in the order info.
  2. Code. Add package code. For internal use only.
  3. Description. Add package description.


  1. Weight unit. Kg/G/Lb
  2. Weight of tare. Weight of the empty box. Will be added to the weight of the full box.
  3. Max weight. Package max weight capacity / constraint.


  1. Dim unit. Cm/In
  2. Height. Package outer Height
  3. Length. Package outer Length
  4. Width. Package outer Width


  1. Max Quantity of Items in Package. Package max qty capacity / constraint.

Packages CSV import/export

You can do packages CSV import/export from the "Smart Packaging" section.

Step 3: Add Packaging Rules (optional)

By default Smart Packaging packs items optimally into ALL available packages by weight and dimensions.
You may have your own packaging scenarios, which you can configure with Packaging Rules. Navigate to the "Smart Packaging" section > "Packaging Rules" tab and click the "Add Packaging Rule" yellow button.


  1. Packaging rule name. Add packaging rule name.
  2. Packaging rule description. Add packaging rule description.
  3. Packaging rule priority. 1 has a higher priority than 2, 3, etc.
    1. Rule with a higher priority will be applied if product matches selections specified in different Rules.
    2. Rule with blank priority has a higher priority.
    3. Rule with the lowest id will be applied if Rules have the same priority.


There are 7 Packaging Rule algorithms available. 
Packaging Rules are applied on the Website level, that's why you should specify the Website for each of the Packaging Rules.
Packaging Rules are applied to a certain product selection defined by the product attribute / metafield and its value(s).

1) Pack according to product dimensions and weight

InfoThe sense of the algorithm: products that match selection will be optimally packed into selected packages according to their weight and dimensions.
This is the default Smart Packaging algorithm, but using the Packaging Rule you may apply it to a certain product selection.

2) Pack Into Fixed Packages by Qty

The sense of the algorithm: every X items of products that match selection will be packed into selected packages.
Product weights will be ignored, max weight of the package will be used as a total weight of the filled package.
This algorithm pre-packs certain items into certain fixed package(s) by quantity. You may specify the Max quantity of the items that can be packed with this Rule as well as quantity range. Product dimensions are not required for this algorithm.

3) Pack Into Fixed Packages by Weight

InfoThe sense of the algorithm: products that match selection will be optimally packed together into selected packages according to their weights and max weight of selected packages.
This algorithm pre-packs certain items into certain fixed package(s) by weight. The constraint is the max weight of the package(s). Product dimensions are not required for this algorithm.

4) Pack according to product weight

The sense of the algorithm: products that match selection will be optimally packed into selected packages according to their weight.
This algorithm optimally pre-packs certain items into selected package(s) by weight. The constraint is the max weight of the package(s). Product dimensions are not required for this algorithm.
The difference from the previous algorithm is that you may select multiple packages and the algorithm will define the optimal ones (not fixed) for a specific order.

5) Pack individually

InfoThe sense of the algorithm: products that match selection will be packed individually. Product dimensions will be used as its package dimensions.
This algorithm does not apply any packaging. Product dimensions will be used as its package dimensions. No packages needed for this algorithm.

6) Pack according to product qty

The sense of the algorithm: products that match selection will be optimally packed into selected packages according to their qty and max qty limit of the package. Product weights will be ignored, max weight of the package will be used as a total weight of the filled package.
This algorithm optimally pre-packs certain items into selected package(s) by quantity. The constraint is the max quantity of the package(s). Product dimensions are not required for this algorithm.

7) Pack Into Fixed Packages by Qty with Remainders

The sense of the algorithm: every X items of products that match selection and qty range will be packed into selected packages. Product weights will be ignored, max weight of the package will be used as a total weight of the filled package. Remainders will not be packed in any box. They will be quoted by weight.
Similar to algorithm #3, but if there are remainders, then they will not be packed in any box. They will be quoted by weight.

Packaging Rules CSV import/export

You can do Packaging Rules CSV import/export from the "Smart Packaging" section > "Packaging Rules" tab.

Step 4: Enable certain Packages and Smart Packaging mode for the Shipping Option

Enable Smart Packaging for the Carrier Shipping Option

Enable Smart Packaging mode

Enter your Carrier Shipping Option > Step 2 and click the yellow "Settings" button. In the Settings popup choose "Smart Packaging" in the "Packaging" selector:

Click "Ok" and don't forget to Save the Shipping Option.

Enter your Carrier Shipping Option > Step 2 and Check if Carrier Services support Multi-Package:

Note that some Carriers services (USPS and some of FedEx) do not support "Multi Package" shipping rates, they only return rates for a single package.
If Smart Packaging packed items into multiple packages and "Multi Package" is not supported then Calcurates will fallback to quoting by weight only.

Enable Packages

Enter your Carrier Shipping Option > Step 2 > "Custom Packages" tab.
Enable certain packages that are allowed for this Carrier Shipping Option.

Don't forget to Save the Shipping Option.

Enable Smart Packaging for the Table Rates Method

Enable Smart Packaging mode

Enter your Table Rates Shipping Option > Enter Table Rates Method and click "Edit Shipping Method"
Note, that Smart Packaging mode is available only for ENTIRE CART methods
Scroll down to the "Algorithm" Section and enable "Apply Smart Packaging".
Select certain packages that are allowed for this Table Rates Method.
You can make this Table Rates Method available only if order fit selected packages (see the checkbox below).

Add rates per package

Now, when adding the Rate to this Method you may use the Fixed Per Package (FPP) calculation and apply individual rate per every selected package:

Step 5: Display packaging results at checkout (optional)

To display packaging results at the checkout use {packages} variable in the method’s “Info Messages“ settings.
The info will be displayed in the following format: Package name x package qty
Example: Box 1 x1; Box 2 x1

Step 6: Display packaging results for the order in the store's admin

  1. Shopify: enable/disable in the Smart Packaging settings
  2. Magento: will be displayed if Smart Packaging has been applied
  3. WooCommerce: will be displayed if Smart Packaging has been applied

Smart Packaging: FAQ

1) What if some of my products are missing dimensions?

If you are using the default Smart Packaging algorithm (pack by weight and dimensions), then the products that are missing dimensions will not be packed and will be quoted by weight. Smart Packaging will be applied only to products with dimensions. Therefore "partial" Smart Packaging might be applied.