Connect FedEx (US) account | Calcurates for Magento

How to connect your FedEx account

Connect FedEx carrier to Calcurates

In order to sync your Calcuraters account with the requested carrier please proceed to Menu > Carriers.
The article will help you get the general information on how to connect a carrier.

It is required to have an active FedEx business account and specify the following data in the Calcurates connection form.
This process with connecting FedEx is notoriously picky so make sure the information you are entering into the connection modal in Calcurates matches what appears in your FedEx account exactly.
  1. Account Number
  2. First Name
  3. Last Name
  4. Company Name
  5. Address Line 1
  6. Address Line 2
  7. Phone Number
  8. Country
  9. City
  10. State
  11. ZIP
  12. Email
  13. Agree to FedEx End-User License Agreement 
Having filled all the required fields with valid data and clicking "Connect", your FedEx business account will be connected to the Calcurates account.
In the carriers grid the FedEx carrier label will be changed (from red to green "connected" icon):

Popular Connection Issues

Invalid Billing Address

After clicking "Connect" you may get the following error:
A shipping carrier error occurred: Unable to complete FedEx registration. Invalid Billing Address.
When connecting your FedEx account, make sure you are specifying the Shipping Address listed in your FedEx account, not a separate billing address. 

Where do you find the FedEx Shipping Address?   
Log in to your FedEx account and click on your profile name. Then go to Administrative Tools > FedEx Accounts and click on your account number. The FedEx Shipping Address will be listed on this page.

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