How to connect a Carrier | Calcurates for Magento

How to connect a Carrier

Video: How to connect a Carrier to Calcurates

  1. It must be connected to your Calcurates account. This article explains how to do it.
  2. Carrier's services and packages must be synced. How to sync Carrier services and packages.

Carrier can be connected from the carriers grid (Menu > Carriers). Follow these steps:
  1. Select the carrier you want to connect.
  2. Click "Actions" button.
  3. Click "Connect a carrier".
  4. Connection form will be opened*.
To connect a Canada Post account to Calcurates please contact us using on-site chat or email

Connection form is specific for each carrier.

Right after you fill it in and click "Connect" the status of your carrier will be changed (from red to yellow "connected" icon).

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