How to add or edit a Shipping Option | Calcurates for Magento

How to add or edit a Shipping Option

Video: How to Set Up Shipping Options in Calcurates

Shipping Options can be added and edited from Shipping Options grid.

Shipping Options Grid

To see Shipping Options grid you should follow Menu  > Shipping Options.
There are 10 columns in the Shipping Options grid:
  1. ID. Internal id of the shipping option.
  2. Name. Shipping option name as it displays on the checkout (editable).
  3. Type. Shipping option type: Carrier, Free Shipping, Flat Rate or Table Rates.
  4. Served Website. Website that is served by this shipping option (editable).
  5. Served Origins. Origins that are served by this shipping option (editable).
  6. Served Areas. Areas that are served by this shipping option (editable).
  7. Status. Shipping option status — enabled/disabled (editable).
  8. Action. Edit, Duplicate or Delete a shipping option.

Select shipping option type

Adding a shipping option starts with selecting its type. Read more about shipping option types in this article.

Step 1 — general information

On Step 1 there are General settings for your Shipping Option:
  1. Status. Shipping option status — enabled/disabled (editable).
  2. Shipping Option Name. The name is required and is displayed on the checkout, must be unique. For the Carrier shipping option the default carrier name is displayed here and it can be changed to a custom one. 
  3. Shipping Option Type. Disabled and Informative field as type has been selected on the previous step.
  4. Shipping Option Description. Description for the admin, not displayed on the checkout.
  5. Website. Select a website that is going to be served with this shipping option. Shipping Option will be only displayed in the selected website.
  6. Served Origins. Select origins that are going to be served with this shipping option. Shipping Option will only be available for the selected origins. Shipping Option will not be displayed if it doesn't serve any origin.
  7. Store Views. Select Magento store views if you want this shipping option to be displayed for a certain store view. Leave empty to display the Shipping Option on ALL store views. Try to resync your website if store views do not appear in the dropdown.

Step 2 — type-specific settings

This step is specific for every shipping option type. Please follow the below dedicated articles:
  1. How to set Flat Rate shipping option
  2. How to set Free Shipping option
  3. How to set Table Rates shipping option
  4. How to set a Carrier shipping option

Step 3 — info messages

On this step you can add messages in order to complement your shipping option with some useful and important information. These messages will be displayed for customers on the checkout.
  1. Show Explanatory Tooltip to The Customers. This setting enables or disables info tooltip for the shipping option (this setting is currently not applicable for Magento 2 and will be added soon)
    1. Explanatory Text. If Explanatory Tooltip is enabled you should fill in an explanatory text.
  2. Action Type when Shipping Option is Unavailable. There are 2 action types available:
    1. Hide Option with No Message. If an option is unavailable for some reason (for example, destination address doesn't match assigned Shipping Area) then the shipping option will not be displayed.
    2. Show Option with With Message. If an option is unavailable for some reason (for example, destination address doesn't match assigned Shipping Area) then the shipping option will be displayed with an Error Message.

Step 4 — advanced settings

There are also advanced settings for the shipping option:
  1. Use Discount Inclusive Price and Subtotal for Calculations (shipping costs and rules). If there is a Shipping Rule for this shipping option that has conditions based on "Price" or "Subtotal" attributes this setting defines whether it should use prices with discounts or without discounts.
  2. Use Tax Inclusive Price and Subtotal for Calculations (shipping costs and rules). If there is a Shipping Rule for this shipping option that has conditions based on "Price" or "Subtotal" attributes this setting defines whether it should use prices with tax or without tax.
  3. Sort Order. Shipping Option sort order on the checkout (from min to max value). Empty field means it will be sorted by rate value (from min to max rate). This setting affects Magneto checkout only and doesn't affect Shipping Calculator.

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