Delivery Dates: set and offer delivery dates & time picker for the delivery method at checkout (Magento only)
This feature is only available for Magento / Adobe Commerce
With this feature you may set up and display delivery dates & time picker for specific delivery method at Magento / Adobe Commerce checkout.
Delivery Dates & Time Picker: Popular Scenarios
Check some popular scenarios perfectly solved with Delivery Dates & Time Picker:
- Schedule delivery with your customers
- Schedule in-store pickup with your customers
Delivery Dates & Time Picker: Configuration Steps
Step 1: Add Delivery Days and Time Slots
Step 2: Enable "Date & Time Picker at Checkout" for specific shipping method and complete settings
Step 3: Check Delivery Days and Time Slots settings
Step 1: Add Delivery Days and Time Slots
For a new slot you may set the following:
- Day — set the day when the order will be delivered.
- Time Frame (from / to) — specify a time frame when the order will be delivered or leave empty for 24 hours availability.
- Name — fill in the name of the time slot.
- Description — provide the optional description for the time slot.
Also, you can apply various surcharges to this particular time slot. Activate the Apply surcharges switch to see the additional options:
Step 2: Enable "Date & Time Picker at Checkout" for specific shipping method and complete settings
Once you have added Time Slots and
Delivery Dates Profile(s) you are ready to assign them to any custom Shipping Method (Table Rates, Flat Rate, Free Shipping, in-Store Pickup)
Note, that "Date & Time Picker at Checkout" cannot be enabled for Carrier Services. Enter your Shipping Option's or Method's settings and open the "Advanced" tab, where you will find the "Delivery Dates & Time info" section.
- Number of next days to select from. Specific the number of days in the future that your customers can select from at checkout.
- Select Available Days and Time-Slots. Select days and time slots from the ones you have added in Step 1.
Complete this action for all Shipping Methods, for which you want to display "Date & Time Picker".
Step 3: Check Delivery Days and Time Slots settings
You will see the following time-slots settings:
Delivery Dates Sorting allows you adjust how to display dates:
- from earliest to latest
- from cheapest to expensive
Delivery Day is required. If enabled, then the selection of the delivery date will be required at checkout.
Time Slots Sorting allows you adjust how to display time slots:
- from earliest to latest
- from cheapest to expensive
Time Slot is required. If enabled, then the selection of the time slot will be required at checkout.
Sum up surcharges of intersecting days. If enabled ALL surcharges will be added to the shipping rate.
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