Variables for Delivery Dates and Time Slots (Magento)
If you are using Estimated Delivery Dates or Selected Delivery Dates and Time Slots features from Calcurates you may utilize 'date' or 'time' variables for your email or PDF templates in the Magento admin.
Use the following code to insert the variable:
- {{block class="Calcurates\ModuleMagento\Block\Order\DeliveryDateTime" type="date" area="frontend" order=$order order_id=$order_id template="Calcurates_ModuleMagento::order/delivery_date_time.phtml"}}
The parameter type may have 2 values:
- "date"
- "time"
You should insert this particular code in the Email Templates > "Insert Variables" modal window.
order=$order is used for older Magento versions, while order_id=$order_id is used in newer versions, where transfer of objects is prohibited.
Therefore the above code should work for all Magento versions.
Adding variables into the Amasty One Step Checkout success page
Unzip the file ( - attached) into your theme folder.